Wednesday, April 13, 2011

San Marcos,tx

It is a really nice day in San Marcos, Texas (78F). I stopped by Texas State University or Southwest Texas to some, for a seminar and to check in on my friend who is a professor there. Either I am getting older or college students are getting younger. Everywhere I look and listen there is the unpleasantness of the words "like" and "you know" being thrown around. I hope these kids learn how to speak as
adults before it is too late and you have the president in twenty years talking as if it were a scene from "idiocracy". Other than that you have the pleasantness of San Marcos Springs and Sewell park by the university. You also have the grandeur of Texas State University in the background to make a perfect panorama. (if only I had my camera). I am familiar with a few hiking and biking trails in the area. One of which is Purgatory creek, right next to Wonderworld drive. Another of my favorites is Spring lake. At the top of the hill you get a wonderful view of the hills to the west,if you don't mine cedar or Ash Juniper I should say.I would suggest this as a beginner hike if you are in the area. This website is helpful if you are new to or not familiar with San Marcos. Picture is a view from the end of the trail at spring lake.